Non Surgical Treatment
Various spinal disorders can be treated with non surgical methods and at Nagpur spine and scoliosis clinic are focused on treating various spinal conditions with non surgical treatment.
For each patient the treatment plan is individualized based on the patients need and goals for therapy.
Patient Education: Patient education and awareness is utmost important for treatment of any disease. We at Nagpur Spine and Scoliosis clinic emphasize on patient education and creating awareness regarding their problems, so that the patient can understand well and take adequate measures to get cured from the pain and various symptoms.

Non surgical treatment consists of a multi modal approach which includes,
Activity modification: After developing spine-related symptoms, due to various etiology, patients can modify the symptoms by changing the way they do daily activities. These changes are usually only required for a short period of time and you can go back to your routine activity once the symptoms subsides. But, it is important to remain as active and engaged in life as possible, despite the presence of spine-related symptoms. Too much thinking regarding the symptoms throughout the day can lead to unnecessary deconditioning, maladaptive movement patterns and most concerning, inappropriate disability.
Exercise: Exercise is the most important way to keep your spine healthy and treat chronic pain. It strengthens you muscles and ligaments of the back and hence helps to treat various spine related diseases
Exercise done in controlled progressive manner helps by,
- Strengthening of the muscles that supports the spine, reducing the pressure on spinal discs and facet joints.
- Exercise helps to increase the blood flow and nutrients to back structure and also helps to drain out the bio-chemical substances leading to pain.
- Exercise induces release of endorphins in the body which helps to reduce pain naturally. Frequent release of endorphins helps reduce the need for pain medication. Endorphins also helps to elevate the mood and relieve depression, which is one of the commonest cause for chronic back and neck pain.
Counseling: Patients suffering from chronic pain requires special counseling as chronic pain is often more complex pathology. People think pain as purely physical sensation, but pain has biological, physiological and emotional aspects. Chronic pain can cause feelings such as anger, depression, anxiety and hopelessness. To treat chronic pain effectively one need to address physical, emotional and psychological aspects. Counseling of the patient and relatives regarding the particular pathology is very important which helps to make them understand the particular pathology and hence, helps in making them understand the treatment protocol and cope more effectively with pain and reduce the intensity of pain.
Medications: A short course of anti-inflammatory medications helps by reducing the swelling and pain generating substance at the site of pain. Long term use of medications should be avoided as it can have side effects on kidneys and liver. The dose should be titrated accordingly to the age and associated condition of the patient and should not be taken without prescription of the doctor.
Tips for coping with pain
This simple modifications in your daily lifestyle will help you getting better and relieved from pain.
- Stay active:Pain or the fear of pain can lead people to stop doing their daily routine activity. It’s important not to let pain take over your life. It is important to stay active to keep muscles strong.
- Exercise:Stay healthy with low-impact exercise such as stretching, yoga, walking and swimming.
- Keep yourself socially active: Keeping yourself socially active by meeting friends, colleagues, family members keeps your mind active and helps to fight anxiety and depression. Research shows that people with greater social support are more resilient and experience less depression and anxiety.
- Take medications as advised: The medications as suggested by the doctor, be sure to use them as prescribed by your doctor to avoid possible dangerous side effects.