What is Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion (ACDF) Surgery ?
ACDF Surgery In Nagpur is a neck surgery aim at alleviating pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots by removing a damage disc. This procedure helps to relieve symptoms such as pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling associated with spinal cord or nerve compression. Additionally, since a discectomy involves surgical decompression, the procedure is sometimes referre to as anterior cervical decompression. Book an online appointment with Dr. Nikhil Malewar.
Who is a candidate?
You may be a candidate for discectomy if you have:
- a herniate or degenerative disc
- significant weakness in your hand or arm
- arm pain that is worse than neck pain
- symptoms that have not improve with physical therapy or medication

ACDF Surgery Procedure
Anterior surgical approach
The skin incision typically spans one to two inches and is positione either on the left or right side of the neck. Anterior Cervical Discectomy & Fusion (ACDF) Surgery In Nagpur ! Usually, it follows a horizontal path within a natural skin fold, although in some cases, a more vertical incision may be necessary for multilevel procedures.
Following the incision, the thin muscle beneath the skin is carefully divide along the line of the incision. Subsequently, the surgeon enters the space between the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the strap muscles.
The next step involves accessing the space between the trachea/esophagus and the carotid sheath.
A thin fascia, known as the pre-vertebral fascia, which covers the spine, is then meticulously dissect away from the disc space.
How should I prepare for ACDF surgery?
Prior to your ACDF surgery, you’ll have an initial consultation with your surgical team. During this appointment, your surgeon will conduct a physical examination and gather information about your overall health, including any medications or supplements you’re currently taking.
If you haven’t already undergone them, your surgeon may request imaging tests such as X-rays and MRIs to better understand the root cause of your symptoms and devise a treatment plan accordingly.
You’ll receive specific pre-surgery instructions from your surgeon, which may entail:
- Undergoing additional tests like an electrocardiogram, if deemed necessary.
- Visiting your primary care physician or cardiologist in certain cases.
- Scaling back on or ceasing the use of tobacco products, as well as refraining from marijuana and other substances.
- Abstaining from alcoholic beverages leading up to the day of your surgery.
- Refraining from taking blood thinners before the surgery, unless otherwise approved by your surgeon. It’s crucial not to discontinue any medication without your surgeon’s approval.
- Ensuring that you have a designated individual to drive you home post-surgery.
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